About RPR5 Lawyers


Rep-Revive Lawyers® aims to restore/protect its client’s reputation at a fair price. Rep-revive’s® logo as such is the phoenix rising from the ashes. Rep-Revive® also endeavours to bring the fight for justice, truth and fairness through legal representation to those charged with criminal or traffic offences. Along with, seeking rightful remedies to those unfairly dismissed or adversely affected by either their Employers, Employees or Independent Contractors.

We also bring legal protection and representation to those in the music, arts, TV, film, and culture/industry as well as the sports fraternity especially in the Intellectual property and copyright arena, together with contract law, defamation & other associated court/tribunal representation and personalised Legal Services.

Rep-Revive Lawyers® understand how the legal systems work and how the authorities and agencies who enforce the system work. Our staff have worked in specialised offices in Sydney, London and New Zealand and have seen thousands of relevant cases.

The firm founded by Daniel Wilson, GDLP. LLB (one of Sydney’s most results driven lawyers) gives an experienced solicitor guarantee. Furthermore, we get the results. Lastly, we are the best human and property rights defenders when you need such an advocate the most.

Daniel Wilson
- Principal Lawyer

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